Calling All Babies and Parents!

Highland Terrace is eager to begin the Roots of Empathy program in our 2nd grade classrooms.  In order to successfully implement this awesome program, please help us find:

Please contact if you’re interested in volunteering as an Instructor or as Parent with a 2-4 month old baby.


Roots of Empathy Instructors:

  • Attend a mandatory Roots of Empathy training (3 days initial training & 1 day mid-year training) 
at no cost to the instructor (Shoreline Public Schools Instruction Department covers the cost)
  • Successfully complete a written, open book, certification test
  • Deliver 27 consecutive classroom lessons over a school year
  • Prepare lesson plans and teaching materials (45 minutes each time)
  • Have enthusiasm and ability to work in an interactive way with children with an openness to understand and embrace the mission, goals, philosophy, and values of Roots of Empathy.

More information about the roots of empathy program can be found at