LEGO Junior Robotics

We have another LEGO class starting on January 18th (Wednesday). It is presented by “RobotU” and brought to you by HT PTA. The class, “Junior Robotics with LEGO WeDo”, provides an excellent opportunity for girls and boys grade 1 through 3 to get introduced to the world of robotics and programming. Class meets Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30, January 18th through March 29th. Look for more information in Kid Mail or contact Sandra Newby  at with any questions. Important reminder: after signing your student up for class, please sign up to chaperone at least one class. LEGO classes cannot happen without at least one parent volunteer present at each class. Volunteering is fun and a good way so see “what your kid is doing at school”.


Note about Enrichment Classes: Limited, partial scholarships may be available for enrichment classes. To apply, please contact the Family Advocate, Sherri Dobb, at 206-393-4346 or